uniflow Aquarium Management
Uniflow has all the necessary equipment and features needed to setup, maintain, and enjoy a tropical aquarium in your home without all the inconveniences and hassles of traditional aquariums. For the beginner, hobbiest and enthusiast user, who is annoyed with the amount of time and money it takes to maintain a tank, keep track when to replace water & filter media. This product + digital app, Uniflow, provides peace of mind while giving you the control of an all in one app with real time updates of the health of your tank.
Client: Self-Initiated
Skills: Brand Identity
UI/UX Design
Sitemaps + Wireframes
User Research
Tank Profile
The Tank Profile manages your fish in your aquarium, displays water temperature and lighting features.
The Analytics screen uses real time updates and aggregated data to show the impurities in your water.
Communtiy database
The Community Database allows you to search an extensive list of fresh and salt water fish for you to explore and add to your tank.
Fish Profile
Through the Community Database you can gain more info about a specific fish along with a mutual friends list in the fish profile.
Temperature Control
The data from the fish in your Tank Profile will auto set the perfect temp for the life in your aquarium.
Fishie Cam
While you are away from your tank you can always check on your fish through the live streaming Fishie Cam.